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Chapel of St Roch

The chapel is situated near the town cemetery, in the north part of the Upper Town. This Votive Church was built in 1694. It assumed its present appearance in the 18th century, while the tower dates from early 19th century. The later restoration was completed in 1998. It was then that the altar together with the statues of the patron saint of plague victims, St Roch, St Sebastian, St Fabian, dating from the 18th century, was restored. The statues were made by Varaždin Sculptor Fridrik Petter. After the funeral ceremony, services are often held in the chapel.

Chapel of St Florian

Baroque Chapel of Saint Florian is situated near the town Post Office, and the House of Croatian Army, at the intersection of Zagreb road with a network of town streets. Out of the three chapels in Križevci, it is the Chapel of Saint Florian that contains the most valuable paintings. This Votive Church was built in 1735, and restored in 1751, when the quadrant vault with a segmented apse was constructed.Every year local firemen bring flowers at the door of the chapel to mark the feast day of their patron saint. The bells of the Chapel of St Roch announce the eternal rest of the deceased. The former Synagogue was first turned into a library, and then into the Youth House.

In the late 18th century a bell tower constructed in the high baroque style, and joined to the nave by concave sides, was added to the chapel. There is a valuable Baroque staue of St Florian carved in wood inside the bell tower niche. The main altar with a painting of St Florian within it, guarding the chapel against fire, was not well-preserved. The painting, dating from the early 18th century, is attributed to Ivan Ranger, a prominent painter of the Paulne order. The restoration of the chapel was carried out in 1989 and 1990, when the statue of St Florian was also restored by the experts from Križevci Municipal Museum.Upon the restoration of the Chapel of St Mark of Križevci the outer door leading into the crypt was reopened after more than a century. In 1998 a platform was constructed on the south side of the chapel so the mass could be held in the open air. Every September 7th many pilgrims gather in Križevci to celebrate the feast day of St Mark.

Chapel of St Mark of Križevci

The Chapel of St Ladislaus also bears the name of St Mark of Križevci, who was proclaimed a co-patron of the chapel in 1969. However, ever since St Mark of Križevci was proclaimed a saint in 1995, people have referred to the chapel as the Chapel of St Mark of Križevci. The chapel stands alongside the main road passing through the Upper Town. This early Baroque chapel dates from the 17th century. Baroque architectural style can be seen in the shape of the sanctuary arch, and the nave vaulted between 1731 and1735. The Classicist Bell Tower is worthy of mention. The altars inside the Chapel of St Mark of Križevci (the Chapel of St Ldislaus) were restored in 1731. Within the altar there is a painting of St Mark of Križevci, made in 1993 by Zoran Homen, a painter from Križevci.

A stunning wooden pulpit dating from the mid 18th century decorated with the statues of four evangelists and a painting of the Good Sheperd in the back is well worth a mention. The pulpit may have been in the possession of the Pauline Church of St Ana. It is a precious jewel of sacral Baroque art. In 1992, on the initiative of the local Cultural Association Lipa (Lime-tree), the Chapel was restored. Vlado Trušček from Križevci, as well as some other local people, donated the money for restoration. It was then that a large crypt with tomb niches was uncovered.

Church of St Sava

The Eastern Orthodox Church was built on a former bastion around which a small square was built surrounded with houses. The building of the church was initiated in 1893, started in 1900, and was completed in 1904. The church was designed by Vilim Higersberger, a constructor. He tried to copy a simple style of Classicist churches, popular in the late 18th century, and characterized by the extended nave, with a polygonal sanctuary, and the Bohemian arch. Above a three-arch vestibule, there is a choir gallery with a balustrade carved in wood. The church front with a gabled bell tower and a lantern, as well as church flanks, and the sanctuary, are divided by pilasters. The interior is embellished with traditional geometrical ornaments. There are also 4 paintings on the wall depicting bust of saints and apostles. In 1938 Miljenko Gjurić painted a new iconostasis in Byzantine style. Two stone blocks next to the iconostasis were inscribed with the dates of sanctification of the church and completing the iconostasis. The church was renovated in 2006, when the damaged church tower was repaired.


The synagogue, which is situated in Strossmayer Square, and today converted into a Youth House, was designed by two architects, Honigsberg and Deutsch, in a Neo-Renaissance and Neo-Classicist style. In 1950 it was converted into a Youth House, and front decorations, as well as rosettes, were removed. Today the synagogue is used by Art and Culture Club Križevci, Photo and Video Club, Technical Culture Group, and Kalnik Scouts group. Local authorities plan on finding another building for these groups because the Synagogue will be allocated to The Croatian State Archives.

Chapel of St Roch

Chapel of St Florian

Chapel of St Mark of Križevci

Church of St Sava

Synagougue in Strossmayer Square in  Križevci,  early 20th century

Church of St Ana (Flash not found)
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