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St Mark of Križevci

Marko Stjepan Krizin - Križevčanin (born in Križevci, 1558, died in Košice, September 7, 1619) is the third Croatian Catholic saint, together with Nikola Tavelić (born in Šibenik, around 1340, died in Jeruzalem, November 14, 1391) and St. Leopold Bogdan Mandić (born in Herceg Novi, May 12, 1866, died in Padova, July 30, 1942). He was martyred and killed in Košice, Slovakia, in an act of Calvinist religious cleansing, together with Jesuits Ištvan Pongracz and Melkior Grodziecki. Detailed info...

Ivan Zakmardi of Dijankovec

Ivan Zakmardi Dijankovečki (born in Križevci, around 1600, died in Banjska Bistrica, April 25, 1667), a lawyer and a philosopher, a prothonotary of the Kingdom of Croatia, a notable patron, and a property owner. He presented the Pauline monastery the land, and subsequently the Pauline Gymnasium was established in Križevci. Detailed info...

Magda Logomer Herucina

Magda Logomer Herucina (the 18th century), a local herbalist, the last woman to be tried as a witch in Križevci, and the first to narrowly escape being burned alive, thanks to Empress Maria Theresa who acquitted her in 1758. Detailed info...

Antun Nemčić Gostovinski, Esq.

Antun Nemčić Gostovinski (born in Edde, February 14, 1813, died in Križevci, September 5, 1849), a poet and a travel writer, the author of a popular travelogue, Putositnice (Travel Sketches), in which, among other towns and countires, he gave an account of the early 19 century Križevci. He also wrote another prominent work, an uncompleted drama Udes ljudski (Human Fate). He was appointed notary of Križevci County in 1849, and died later that same year. He was buried near the main entrance to the town cemetery, and 50 years later a memorial bust of Antun Nemčić was erected at the main square, which was named after him later on. Detailed info...

Sidonija Rubido Erdödy, Esq.

Sidonija Erdödy Rubido (born on February 7, 1819, died in Gornja Rijeka, February 17, 1884) was the first opera singer to have sung in Croatian (in the first Croatian opera Ljubav i zloba (Love and Malice), at the time when the official languages in Croatia were German and Hungarian. She was also the first one to perform the famous patriotic rousing song Još Hrvatska ni propala (Croatia Has Not Yet Fallen), which was set to music by Ferdo Livadić, a notable Croatian composer. Detailed info...

Alberto Ognjan Štriga

Alberto Ognjan Štriga (born in Križevci, April 30, 1821, died in Zagreb, March 7, 1897) was an opera singer who performed in the first Croatian opera Ljubav i zloba (Love and Malice) together with Sidonija Erdödy Rubido. He was the one who encouraged Vatroslav Lisinski to compose the first Croatian opera, while he asked Dimitrije Demeter to write the libretto for the opera. Detailed info...

Ljudevit Farkaš Vukotinović

Ljudevit Farkaš Vukotinović (born in Zagreb, January 13, 1813, died in Zagreb, March 17, 1893) was one of the central persons of the Croatian National Revival. He changed his family name Farkaš (in Hungarian farkas means a wolf) into Vukotinović. He was a lawyer, botanist, and geologist, a member of the Illyrian Movement, and a co-founder of the National Museum. During the seven year period (1855 to 1862) he was "guarding" the entire National Museum. Detailed info...

Franjo Marković

Franjo Marković (born in Križevci, July 26, 1845, died in Zagreb, September 15, 1914) was a university professor, and a prominent writer, the author of the idyllic epic Dom i svijet (Home and the World). Detailed info...

Fran Gundrum of Oriovac

Fran Gundrum of Oriovac (born in Oriovac, which is situated near Slavonski Brod, the eastern part of Croatia, on October 9, 1856, died in Križevci, July 24, 1919), was an encyclopaedist, a man of broad culture and versatile interests, who finished schools in Croatia and Vienna, and was dealing with preservation of nature and human health, and promoting healthy life style. He wrote numerous books, guides, and articles on sex education program, and undertook a pioneer research on prostitution. Detailed info...

Nina Vavra

Nina Vavra (born in Križevci, January 5, 1879, died in Zagreb, September 21, 1942) was a theatre and movie actress, a writer and translator. She became one of the most famous Croatian actresses in early 20th century, that is in the period of Second Moderna in Croatia. The local Amateur Theatre had been named after her. Detailed info...

Dragutin Novak

Dragutin Novak (born in Zagreb, February 16, 1892, died in Zagreb, October 31, 1978), was the first Croatian pilot, a mechanic and a humble man of broad culture. He is credited with making the first airplane flight in Croatia, in 1910. Detailed info...

Marcel Kiepach, Esq.

Marcel Kiepach (born in Križevci, February 12, 1894, died in Ruska Poljana, August 13, 1915) was an extremely talented child, who became a famous inventor at the age of 16. Technology and its improvements occupied his attention even when he was a child. He was dealing with electronics, magnetism, acoustics, transmission of sound waves, and voltage transformers. His major inventions include the illumination dynamo (i.e. an electrical generator mechanically powered by the engine of the vehicle it is attached to), a special electric pressure switch in which the pressure rise is obtained mainly by gas compression, and which could be used for example in X-ray machines. Detailed info...

Marijan Detoni

Marijan Detoni (Križevci, 18. travnja 1905. - Zagreb, 11. svibnja 1981.) križevački slikar, završio likovnu akademiju u Zagrebu, 1930. godine imao prvu samostalnu izložbu u Križevcima. Istaknuti pripadnik grupe Zemlja, iz kojeg razdoblja datira njegova mapa Ljudi sa Seine. Sudionik NOB, iz kojeg razdoblja potječu njegova najpoznatija djela. Nekoliko puta naslikao motiv križevačkog sajma. Bio je redovni član Akademije. Detailed info...

Branko Zorko

Branko Zorko (Čakovec, 1st July, 1967) is the best Croatian athlete, a middle distance runner. He is the honorary citizen of Križevci and the winner of the Life Achievement Award of the Koprivnica-Križevci County, as well as the County’s Sportsperson of the Century. Detailed info...

St Mark of Križevci, portrait

Ivan Zakmardi of Dijankovec, 17th century portrait

Antun Nemčić, 19th century portrait

Sidonija Erdödy Rubido, portrait

Ljudevit Vukotinović, 1861 portrait

Franjo Marković,1903 portrait

Fran Gundrum travelling to Egypt in 1902. godine, in front of the Ceops Pyramid

Nina Vavra in an aristocratic costume, early 20th century

Marcel Kiepach in his officer's uniform of the Austro-Hungarian army, 1914 - 1915

Marijan Detoni working

Church of St Ana (Flash not found)
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